Date(s) - October 21, 2010 - October 22, 2010

The Madison Hotel


25th Northeast US Chapter Symposium
Thursday, October 21 & Friday, October 22, 2010

The Madison Hotel
One Convent Road
Morristown, New Jersey 07960
Phone: (973) 285-1800 Fax: (973) 540-8566

Dear Colleagues:

You are cordially invited to attend the 25th Meeting of the Northeast US Chapter of the International Isotope Society, organized by the Novartis Isotope Laboratory.  This meeting will be held at The Madison Hotel in Morristown, NJ, on October 21 and 22, 2010.  As in past years, this year’s symposium will focus on the synthesis and applications of isotopically labeled compounds.  This includes the synthesis, purification, and analysis of compounds labeled with long-lived isotopes (tritium, carbon-14, sulfur-35), stable isotopes, and short-lived isotopes, together with the applications of these isotopes and compounds in research.  Potential topics include the use of isotopes in drug discovery and development and the applications of short-lived isotopes in biomarker and in vivo imaging.
I am pleased to welcome the following as our invited speakers who currently are:
• Dr. Daniel Howard, Global Head, Pharamcokinetics/Rharmacodynamics
• Dr. John R. Engen, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Northeastern University
I invite you to participate in the scientific portion of the meeting by submitting an abstract for either a poster or oral presentation.  Registration, abstract submission, and exhibitor information is provided in this mailing.

I am confident that this will prove to be an exciting exhibition and symposium thanks to the support of International Isotope Society members and generous sponsors.  I look forward to seeing you this fall.

Lawrence Jones
1 Health Plaza
E. Hanover NJ 07936
Work Phone 862-778-7282

Call for Presentations:

You are invited to present your research on the synthesis and/or application of isotopically labeled compounds in either oral or poster format.  A number of 25 minute time slots are scheduled to accommodate oral presentations on Friday.  In addition, a poster session will be held Thursday evening.  Please understand that some oral presentations may need to be presented as posters to accommodate the limited schedule.

Abstracts are limited to one page.   Please submit an abstract using the attached Abstract Submission form, and send all abstracts by e-mail to Larry Jones (  Please call (862-778-7282) or email with questions.

The Deadline for Abstract Submission is Friday, September 5, 2010.

Scientific Program (Preliminary Schedule):

Thursday, October 21

3:00-6:00 PM                Poster and Exhibitor Set-Up
6:00-9:00 PM                Registration
7:00-10:00 PM              Poster Session, Vendor Exhibition, Reception

Friday, October 22

7:00    AM              Registration and Continental Breakfast
8:00    AM              Welcoming Remarks
8:10    AM              Morning Scientific Session
11:25 AM               Update on 2012 International Meeting
11:40  AM              Business Meeting
12:00  PM              Lunch
1:00    PM              Afternoon Scientific Session
4:15    PM              Meeting Concludes

Symposium Registration:

Symposium registration includes individual attendance to the Thursday evening reception, poster session, and vendor exhibition, as well as Friday’s continental breakfast, scientific sessions, coffee breaks, and lunch.  To register for the symposium, please submit the attached attendee registration form and payment for $140 (IIS members) or $180 (non-members – this includes membership for 2011) to Larry Jones (address on form).  Payment can be made by either check or credit card. Please make checks payable to “Northeast Chapter of the International Isotope Society.”  The deadline for symposium registration is September 26, 2010.  Late registrations will be accepted after this date at a cost of $190.

Vendor Exhibition:

A vendor exhibition will be held during Thursday evening’s reception and from 7AM to 3PM on Friday.  This event will provide commercial exhibitors an opportunity to advertise their products and services.  In order to maximize vendor exposure, the exhibition will be held in the same hall as the poster session/reception on Thursday evening, as well as Friday’s continental breakfast and coffee breaks.  To participate in the vendor exhibition, please submit the attached registration form and payment for $800 to Larry Jones.  Payment can be made by either check or credit card.  Please make checks payable to  “Northeast Chapter of the International Isotope Society”.  The deadline for vendor registration is September 26, 2010  The vendor fee includes two individual symposium registrations.

Conference Site and Accommodations:

The symposium will be held at The Madison Hotel in Morristown, New Jersey.  A block of rooms has been reserved at a daily rate of $159 (plus taxes) until October 9, 2010.  Please contact the hotel directly (1-800-526-0729) for reservations and mention you are part of the International Isotope Society to receive the group rate.  Please visit for hotel information and directions.