Alex Susan announcement

It is with sadness that I inform you Dr Alexander Susan passed away at the age of 83 on Saturday, October 29, 2016.  Alex was one of the co-founders of the International Isotope Society. He co-organized the first and second International Isotope Symposia held in Kansas City, MO in 1982 and 1985, served as President of the Society in 2012, served on the Board of Trustees from 2004 to 2012, and was responsible for rewriting the Constitution and Bye-Laws of the society in 2001.  For his service to the International Isotope Society, Alex was presented the IIS Award in 1991. A review article entitled “The history of the International Isotope Society” published by Alex in the Journal of Labelled Compounds and Radiopharmaceuticals 2007; 50: 867-874 detailed his account of the society and is a necessary read for all IIS members.

Alex’s full obituary and a place where you can share your own personal memories or pictures of Alex can be found at: